Advertise with us for One Price for the WHOLE YEAR!
All-in-One Package Proposal
Hello, Sponsors & Advertisers.
We would like to promote your Company Name, Logo, and/or Product BRANDS in our Hair Art & Mobile Salon Bus Program…

$100,000 Pays for the Whole YEAR!!!
Fully customized, designed, and running Mobile Salon Bus operating, doing hair, and promoting your BRAND in the areas of the cities of your choice. (WE CAN SELL & DISTRIBUTE YOUR PRODUCT & MATERIALS RIGHT FROM OUR MOBILE SALON BUSES AS WELL!)
Your Video Ads & Commercials running and playing on the inside and outside video screens of the Mobile Salon Buses, as well as, on our new television network all about hair called Hair Art T.V.
Your Advertisement & Brands are designed and printed on our vehicle wraps to promote your BRAND everywhere the Mobile Salon Buses go.
Your BRAND and/or Logo is designed in the actual hair on the heads of real customers as Hair Art to give you the first ever Walking Talking Billboards called Hair Art Advertising.
And Much More plus you get a Partnership with our BIG 3 NETWORKS to promote your BRAND through our Awesome New (multi-part) Advertising Program that you can see spelled out below...
Get a custom Mobile Salon Bus rolling around with your advertising on the wrap, as well, as the video screens.

Hair Art & Mobile Salon Bus Advertising is now Available.
(BRAND = Company Name, Company Product, Celebrity Status, Logo, and or Service offered)
There are millions of BRANDS out there looking to get in front of people and potential customers. The trick is to find something that is able to effectively advertise to the masses without being restricted or rejected.
Introducing MOBILE SALONS...
We take shuttle buses and convert them into Mobile Barber Shops and Mobile Beauty Salons. This is right now turning into the most powerful advertising tool available today.
WHY: Because Everybody Has Hair!
And the fact that we are mobile means we can go anywhere and advertise to anyone! So just imagine who your target customers are and if they have Hair. If they do, then we are now able to effectively advertise to them directly through our Mobile Salon Buses while they sit there getting their hair done as our captive audience!
Get your Company and your BRAND into the new Hair Art MAGAZINE for the same money.

Advertising Proposal
We build and customize a fully equipped Mobile Salon Bus in your Company BRAND Theme, and we put that Mobile Salon or Mobile Barber Shop into operation for a FULL YEAR along with all the other benefits of the Mobile Salon Advertising Program Package for the Awesome, one time only, price of $100,000 ($300,000+ VALUE)
One Full Year of Advertising in the Hair Art & Mobile Salon Bus Program
Your Graphic Designs printed on the Vehicle Wrap of the Mobile Salon Bus
Your video Ads on rotation on the inside and outside TV screens on the Mobile Salon Buses
Your Ads and articles in our New Hair Art Magazine
Rotating video Ads and TV Commercials on our New Hair TV Channel
New Advertising in the form of Hair Art Design Advertising Hair-Cuts and Hair-Styles on Men and Women (Walking Talking Billboards)
A Donation will be made to the HHH Charity in the name of you or your company BRAND
Advertising and Vendor Booth Spots in the New Hair Art & Mobile Salon EXPO, as well as, other BIG 3 NETWORK Shows and Events
Multiple FREE Tickets and Passes to our Show Events and EXPOs
Advertising in the New Mobile Salon APP (MOBALON)
Inclusion in our Email Blasts and Social Media Promotions (Over 1,000,000)
Promotional material of the Sponsor shall be distributed at specific Events throughout the length of this agreement (One YEAR)
The Sponsor’s logo (with applicable links) shall be displayed on all distributed promotional material and electronic newsletters related to the Events
Sponsors and Investors have the opportunity to speak or perform at upcoming Shows and Events over the course of the agreement
$1,000 Yearly Membership into BIG 3 NETWORKS (1st year FREE)
COACH MAC Consulting
(When you purchase an Advertising Package you also get COACH MAC! )
All qualifying companies that set up an account and purchase an advertising package will enjoy the benefits of Coach Mac's Consulting and Business Coaching. This includes the direct contact and personal customer service of the Owner, Ronnie Mac (Mr. Hair Art) "COACH" himself along with his “Personal Power Team” managing your account. (He is known to extend deals and offer extra incentives to the Up-Graded V.I.P. accounts he manages.)
Give Today. Invest Today. Buy Today. Advertise Today. Call Today because when it comes to the BEST, Today is always better than Tomorrow!!!
Ronnie Mac (Mr. Hair Art) "COACH"

(COST $100,000 per BUS per YEAR)
We build you a Mobile Salon Bus and customize it to promote your BRAND.
We wrap the Mobile Salon Bus with the graphic designs of your choice, and we run video advertisements for your BRAND on the inside and outside Video Screens.
We work with you to put together promotions and promo materials that can be given out or even Sold from the Mobile Salon Buses.
We have something called Hair Art Advertising Haircuts & Hairstyles where we can cut, design, and style the hair on customers' heads to advertise your company names, products, and logos as BRAND Hair Art Advertising. Your BRAND will get a set number of these Hair Art Advertising Models each month for a Whole Year! (
We will then post on our various websites in addition to many other industry and news sites to showcase your new BRAND Hair Art Advertising Customer Models, as well as, your corresponding Custom BRAND Designed Mobile Salon Bus.
We also have the first ever Hair Art T.V. launching at the beginning of the year being broadcast in multiple locations and networks, as well as, inside the Mobile Salon Buses themselves. We will be gladly adding your video commercials to the new Hair Art T.V. Channel to run for the Whole Year… (Same Money)
We have our very own Hair Art Magazine that you and your BRAND will be added to. Your ads will run the whole year at no extra cost! (Same Money) This magazine is the first of its kind and showcases all the different varieties of Hair Art Hair-Cuts and Hair-Styles being created all over the world. It also has the only Mr. Hair Art Product Catalog in the back for ordering all types of Barber & Beauty products making this magazine invaluable.
We have put together the only Mobile Salon EXPO in the world. Taking place at the world-famous Texas State Fair Park Automobile Building. This event will make history. This event will showcase our various Mobile Salon Buses that we have created along with some future designs to come. This family-oriented show will have all types of events inside. We will add your custom BRANDED Mobile Salon Bus as an exhibit and give you a complimentary vendor booth in the show, all for your (Same Money) $100,000 payment!
We have a charity connected to this program called HHH (Haircuts for the Helpless & Homeless). We send out our Mobile Salon Buses to perform services for those less fortunate, as well as, delivering donated clothes and food. You will be able to write this whole thing off if you choose to go with our Superhero Charity Program. HHH is all about giving the Helpless & Homeless a “Make Over” so they can “Start Over”.
All these things, plus a few more you will receive for the same $100,000, and they all will run for a Whole Year (12 Months!)




( MSN: Mobile Salon NETWORK )

When you Purchase Advertising with
MOBALON we will make a Donation
in your name to HHH Charity!
"When you Donate to Help,
Our Mobile Salons will do the rest!"

If you are a person or a company with a Heart to Help please Donate Here... If you want to create Real Change and actually be able to SEE YOUR MONEY AT WORK doing the thing that you donated your money for in the first place, then Donate Here… If you are tired of giving and giving and not knowing what your money is doing or going for when you donate, then please Donate to the HHH Charity where your money will be helping the most amount of people in the most Direct Way....
"Finally you can now give your money to help others and actually see where your money is going. You will see all the good your money is doing with your own eyes. You will see our Mobile Salon Buses rolling out one by one doing haircuts and hair do's and even giving out donated items like clothes and food RIGHT FROM THE MOBILE SALONS! The Groups we help like THE HOMELESS, VETERANS, LOW INCOME, FIREMAN/EMS, POLICE, VOLUNTEERS, SCHOOL KIDS, and THE ELDERLY will now be able to benefit Directly from your contributions!"

"When you Look Good, You Feel Good, and when you Feel Good, You Do Good!' Mr. Ronnie Mac
Is the Hair Art & Mobile Salon Advertising Program the Best way to Advertise?
Well, let's take a look at how this program works and if it is the Best...
Whom does this program reach? We here at the Hair Art & Mobile Salon NETWORK have a reach that touches every age, every color, and every sex. This is because we employ a diverse group of stylists to service the customers. If they have hair, then we can take care of them. BLACK, WHITE, YOUNG, OLD, MALE, FEMALE, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN…
Is this new form of advertising effective? Well, when you consider the fact that we can go where normal advertising Can’t go. We have Hair Art Design Advertising on real people's heads. Those are “Walking, Talking Billboards”. They can go into any building or location or events where normal advertising can’t go… Even our Mobile Salons Buses are able to get into locations and events because we do the hair of the people hosting and attending the event as well as people going into that location. That's Awesome!
Why is this advertising package worth $100,000? Now that question can be answered simply by saying, TIME… Despite the fact that you are getting a multitude of different items that are included in the advertising package deal like Hair Art Design Advertising Haircuts, Ads on our Hair Art TV Channel, Ads in our Hair Art Magazine, Advertising Spots in our Shows, Events & Website, and of course, a fully customized Mobile Salon Bus and vehicle wrap advertising your BRAND and more. What makes this Advertising Package worth $100,000 is the fact that you are getting all these things for a WHOLE YEAR for that same money…

Hair Art & Mobile Salon
Advertising Program
We have the one and only Mobile Salon APP in the World. We can put your advertising Ads in our New MOBALON APP. And it all comes with your Hair Art & Mobile Salon Advertising Package Deal!
(Just like the UBER APP our Mobile Salon APP will show you where all the Mobile Salon Buses are on the Map and allow you to book your hair appointments right on the App)